Welcome to my website. Tony Kees here. Thanks for checking in.


This page is the hub for some of my creative efforts, some of which have always been directed at the personal development of young soccer players, and some for the pure enjoyment of the creative process.


Through this medium I hope to engage, promote and inspire anyone who has a curiosity about soccer, soccer training, player development, art and creativity.


There are a couple of items in here that can help young soccer players get better at the game. One of them is my just-finished book called Appetite For Soccer - Jumping Levels In The Game…By Design. It is a compilation of ideas and inspiration, combined with a workbook for the more ambitious young player who is not satisfied with where they currently are as a player. The other item is a self-produced workout DVD called TK Overtime! The teams and players that have used these workouts on a regular basis swear by them so I am making another push to get them into the right hands! I mean, if the shoe fits…!


Also on site here is my gallery, which displays just some of the paintings that I’ve done over the years. I have had some of these in a closet or on a wall in my home, and a few have been commissioned, but mostly, these paintings have been done purely from a place of self fulfillment and joy! Admittedly, I haven’t done as many paintings as I would have liked to this point, but I am hoping to carve out more time for this in 2017.


Also in my gallery is a page displaying some of the creations from one of my unique hobbies: board game design. Ever since I was kid I have been a tinkerer. I used to take apart the toys and games that I got and tried to improve on them. Some of those games became a reason for neighborhood gatherings and leagues! That spirit has not left me, as I have played around with several soccer board game designs, each bringing out a different aspect of the sport.


Enjoy the site!



“I wish you enough!”


© 2017 Skilltime Enterprises

Design by: NTD Graphics